stars is a neutral, independent, not-for-profit organization registered in Switzerland.

About stars

  • stars Vision: Founded in 2008, stars develops better leaders of the next generation and wants to be the premier platform for these future leaders.
  • stars brings together renowned global experts and business leaders with talents who are typically 1-2 levels below C-level, nominated by their top management and have the potential to move up to C-level in the next few years. The participants come from all over the world and from different sectors, mainly from business but also from science, politics, culture, NGOs and the media.
  • stars organizes three annual symposia in Switzerland, Singapore and
    China For a complete overview of upcoming symposia click here. During the highly interactive events, participants team up to scan the horizon and explore trends and challenges that will inevitably impact society and business in the next few years.
  • As of 2024, the stars alumni Network comprises over 2’200 former stars participants from over 100 countries and it grows by 200 alumni every year. Over 1’000 alumni have moved up to C-level. There are 18 regional stars alumni chapters all over the world and stars alumni study tours explore particularly interesting countries and regions.
  • stars hosts the following online format: stars Webinars provide food for thought from top business leaders and experts about future-oriented topics such as leadership, geopolitics, technology, climate change and health. stars Webinars are open to the public.
  • stars regularly publishes stars Insights, which are exclusive contributions by business leaders and experts who scan the horizon to discuss geopolitical, economic, technological and further trends and developments which will impact society and business in the next few years.
  • Globally leading companies and institutions are our partners: GIC, Hilti, Holcim, PSA, PwC, Roche, Sika as well as Thomas Abegg Foundation.
  • A study of the University of St. Gallen found that stars is unique worldwide regarding the target group, i.e. participants of 1-2 levels below C-level, and strategic focus, i.e. horizon scanning.
  • stars is a neutral, independent, not-for-profit organization registered in Switzerland. More information about stars can be found in our brochure stars at a glance.


Getting exposed to different vantage points on the same topic broadens your horizon and stars Singapore 2022 did an excellent job at doing that, whilst staying focused.

An incredible horizon widening experience, both personally and professionally.

It was a life-changing event, that made my thought process more global & brings some of the best people to work together who are changing the world a bit by bit!

There were very interesting participants; many of whom I plan to stay in touch with. The conversation topics were compelling and I left with a much deeper understanding of what is happening in China than I had before the symposium.

A great opportunity to connect with people from various backgrounds and with insights on key topics: visionary and inspiring.

The best broad-based, high-level, yet insightful and time-effective symposium attended by a diverse group of participants.

It was an inspiring event with very valuable content and excellent networking opportunities!

stars offered me four most stimulating days, giving me a very good perspective for the nextfew years.