We would be very pleased if you joined the stars community as a donor.
- Reduced participation fee of CHF 4’000.- instead of CHF 6’000.- for personally attending the symposia in Singapore, Switzerland, China
- Possibility to attend as a day guest at the symposia in Singapore, Switzerland, China (at no costs)
- Mentioning donor’s name on stars website
- Possibility to attend any stars alumni chapter meetings (at no costs)
- Opportunity to participate at stars study tours, combination of conference and company visits (regular registration fee)
- Regular mailing of stars insights and possibility to attend any stars webinars
Annual Membership fee:
- Minimum CHF 1’000.00
- The Tax Commission of the Canton of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, has recognized the stars foundation as a non-profit organization. Contributions to stars are, therefore, fully deductible from the income.