stars Switzerland alumni chapter meeting 2024
Uncertainty: an Opportunity to build Resilience and Trust
12 September 2024, 18.00-21.00
Zurich Insurance, Corporate Center, Zurich
Dear stars alumni
We are very pleased to invite you to our stars Switzerland alumni chapter meeting at Zurich Insurance.
What are the most severe risks we will be facing over the coming decade? How can your company not only mitigate them but even capitalize on them? Global experts Peter GIGER, Group Chief Risk Officer, and Dirk DE NIL, Global Head of Resilience Solutions, Zurich Insurance Company, will share their expertise. They will provide knowledge that is essential for corporations and offer practical tools that offer tangible results.
Zurich is a leading insurance provider serving the global corporate, large corporate, and SMEs in more than 200 countries and territories. For 150 years, Zurich has been applying expertise and experience so customers can have the very best insurance protection and access to risk management and mitigation services for the things they value most. Zurich’s passion goes into helping customers understand, manage, and minimize risks and hence optimize their business.
The programme on Thursday, 12 September 2024 will be as follows:
- 18.00: Welcome Drinks
- 18.30: Welcome Addresses and Introduction by Toni SCHOENENBERGER, Executive Chairman of stars, Claudia FLURY, Chief Risk Officer Zurich Switzerland and Independent Board Member; stars Alumna, and Thomas HALLER, Head, Relationship Customer Management, Zurich Insurance; stars Alumnus
- 18.45: Uncertainty: An Opportunity to build Resilience and Trust by Peter GIGER, Group Chief Risk Officer, and Dirk DE NIL, Global Head of Resilience Solutions, Zurich Insurance, followed by discussion
- 19.45: Concluding Remarks by Daphne ENGELKE, President, stars Zurich alumni chapter
- 19.50: Apero Riche, hosted by Zurich Insurance
- 21.00: End of chapter meeting
Location: Zurich Insurance Group, Corporate Center, Mythenquai 2, 8002 Zurich
Please register here until 31 July 2024.
Mark your calendars and join us for a memorable evening with Zurich Insurance while reconnecting with fellow alumni.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Zurich.
Best regards
Toni Schoenenberger
Executive Chairman
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