India’s Rise to Superpower

In this 30 minutes stars webinar, Jivanta SCHOETTLI, Assistant Professor, Dublin City University; Director, Ireland India Institute; stars Alumna, Dublin, Ireland, talks about India becoming the 3rd largest economy of the world by 2030 and possibly the second largest economy by 2050, about the domestic challenges and the coalition government of PM Modi, about India’s potential for foreign business and India’s foreign policy. Finally, Jivanta talked about the Global South, BRICS and the impact of the Trump Administration on India.

This stars Webinar has been moderated by Toni SCHOENENBERGER, Founder and Executive Chairman, stars Foundation, Weinfelden, Switzerland

To watch the recording, please click here and subscribe to receive future content.

About the speaker:
Jivanta Schottli is Assistant Professor in Indian Politics and Foreign Policy at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University. She holds a PhD in Political Science (Summa Cum Laude)  from Heidelberg University in Germany, a Masters in Economic History and a BSc in International Relations & History, both from the London School of Economics and Politics, UK.

Her research interests include Indian foreign policy with a focus on the intersection between domestic politics and international relations; diplomacy and maritime governance in the Indian Ocean, the emerging strategic discourse about the Indo-Pacific and the role of China in South Asia.

Jivanta’s publications include Maritime Governance in South Asia (Ed.) World Scientific, Singapore, 2018; Power, Politics and Maritime Governance in the Indian Ocean (ed) Routledge, London 2014; Vision and Strategy in Indian Politics with Routledge, London 2012. She has written articles for Asian Survey, the Institute of South Asian Studies in Singapore, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Journal of the Indian Ocean Region and Irish Studies in International Affairs .