The Circular Economy – a Must for Business Leaders

In this 30-minute stars webinar, Mohammed AL-SURF, Director of the Carbon Department at Tilad Environment, Founder of the Sustainability Professionals in Saudi Arabia Network (SPSA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, shares insights into the latest developments in Saudi Arabia’s circular economy initiatives. He explores the amazing transition to a diversified economy, from fossile fuels to renewables and talks about the Vision 2030, the biggest challenges such as education and changing the mindset. Mohammed also mentioned the 30 programmes of different ministries regarding the circular economy and concludes with his vision of the future of circular economy in Saudi Arabia.

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This stars Webinar was moderated by Dr Gordana Kierans, Circular Economy Consultant, Managing Partner MGT OPEN; stars Alumna, Grižane, Croatia.

About the speaker:
Mohammed S. Al Surf, holder of PhD. in Sustainable and Green Construction. Senior Advisor for Sustainability and Climate Action at Jacobs. Founder of the Sustainability Professionals in Saudi Arabia Network (SPSA) reaching 6000 members. First Saudi to become a USGBC® Faculty, an ISSP® Sustainability Associate and a TRUE® Advisor. LEED® Accredited Professional in BD+C, ENV SP credential and a Green Classroom Professional. Author of the books titled “Sustainable Housing in Saudi Arabia: Opportunities & Challenges” and “10 Steps to Become a Sustainability Professional”. Member of several local and international professional entities such as the U.S. Green Building Council, the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE), the Pacific Rim Real-Estate Society (PRRES), Asian Real-Estate Society (AsRES) and Project Management Institute (PMI). Dedicated to applying a systematic approach to Green Construction and Sustainable methods applied on projects in Saudi Arabia to induce quality of life while preserving the depleting supply of natural resources.